Thursday, March 31, 2005

e r p .

do not think i'm an ERP expert just because i scored well for the common test. like everyone else, i am just as clueless as to what to focus on. AD? hmmm.. i don't think i'll get lucky this sem ya.. i can hear it already.. "AD?!! with XXX and XX in your course, you think AD so easy meh??!!! *scoffs*" yes. with the not-so-surprisingly high number of elites in my course, it's not difficult to see why i would not be getting the AD. an A, perhaps?? "aiya, you dun haolian la! i failed my ERP and here u're talking about AD and A for ERP!! HAOLIAN!!" well, i suppose i should start now (yes, right now!) if i wanna get an A. "see! after being haolian wanna bluff people rite!! always say haven't start yet!! maybe u pia for ERP 2 months ago le!! wan pple to say you smart issit!!! " ------------------------------------------------------ anyway, i planned to start early, really! ok, fine. so i always plan to start early for all my papers. but somehow i cant seem to concentrate till probably the day before the actual exam. (yes, this is also why i chose to go to a polytechnic instead of a junior college.) just imagine, occupation: college student. college student. sounds 10 times better than polytechnic student lor! but i passed up such a chance cos i knew that the price i would have to pay for the 2 years of 'college student' title would be an additional 3 years of 'polytechnic student' title. hah! ------------------------------------------------------ ok. anyway, back to my point. i havent reallie started for erp yet. i'm so sorry to friends who have come to ask me about cheem stuff like, "wat's big-bang approach?" i really haven started studying. "stop lying through your teeth!!! we've had enough of your lies!!!" i only started sorting out my notes as well as reading through the first few chapters to get back the ERP feel. "AHA! see!! you started le wat!!! still say u havent start!! selfish rite! you just don't want to tell your friends what you know!! SELFISH!!!" oo..errr..ok. i rest my case. ------------------------------------------------------

Monday, March 28, 2005

t h r e e .

woohoo!!! 1 down.. 3 more to go..! for those who just read this and think that i'm going mad and ought to be sent to the asylum, i just finished a grueling paper. i feel exonerated from MEC. haha! reeeaaallllyyyy looking forward to friday.. but in the meantime i think i just have to put up with the disgusting pile of notes waiting to be read and digested! urgh! ------------------------------------------------------ oh and btw, xiaobai very good hor.. must be because of her posting a new entry into my blog that's why the hit counter jumped from 500+ to 1000...!!! she wish ah.. xiaobai.. (ok lah, i admit. i secretly wish it's because of me..) haha! as xiaobai says... *rolls eyes till they drop out on to the floor. literally, that is.* (but then again.. i really wonder who's so kind to keep refreshing my blog.. thanx.. *muacks* really served the hit counters' purpose of making myself feel even more popular.. haha!) ------------------------------------------------------ p.s. btw, i just decided to enlarge the feelings of disappointment.. i know it's about expectations (as you guys can see from the tagboard) just tell me if u guys wan xiaobai to write here aight? she's stealing my limelight away...! aaaahhhhhh......!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------

Sunday, March 27, 2005

d i s a p p o i n t m e n t .

courtesy of : disappoint: To fail to satisfy the hope, desire, or expectation of. disappointment: a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized. ------------------------------------------------ disappointment: when you get back your result slip and realise you did not do as well as you had expected to. disappointment: when you spent the entire day trying to look good for a date later in the evening, but got stood up in the end. disappointment: when you wanted to watch this particular movie but it is sold out. disappointment: when you expect your best friend to understand how you feel, but instead see her agreeing with the rest of the world and condemning you in the process. disappointment: when your parents break their promises for the millionth time. disappointment: when things do not go the way you want them to. disappointment: when you wait by the phone the entire day but that someone did not sms nor called. disappointment: to find out that you were not remembered. disappointment: to find out that some people.. just. don't. care. D i s a p p o i n t m e n t . ------------------------------------------------

Friday, March 25, 2005

while i was away...

i haven't been blogging. if you actually noticed. it's due to the dreaded 5-letter word... EXAMS!! so anyway, this is gonna be short. so short, it's gonna end now. hah! kidding lah. ------------------------------------------------ hmmmm. (my mind is blank now, therefore it will take a while for me to think of what to post here.) my sister just peeped into my screen and happened to look at the above-written line. "but your mind is always blank... you don't want to let your readers know you're a bimbo." i retorted her with a few words that is not really suitable to be typed in here. bimbo meh?? i can't help but keep thinking about it. it's consuming my brains. (yeah rite, how can it? since my mind is always blank... right baobs?? hmpf.) i don't really look like a bimbo since i'm not THAT pretty, and i'm not like a bimbo cos i have brains which i use, and i can actually tell the difference between 'free shopping' and 'using a credit card to shop'. hah! ------------------------------------------------ anyway, i happened to be reading lindsey's blog and i realised that the few days that i did not come into contact with the virtual world, she wrote many many posts. 3, in 2 days, to be exact. i swear she's addicted to blogging. (thankfully, i am not.) anyone who knows a place without internet and a laptop? don't tell me, tell her! ------------------------------------------------ my sis just told me that my english sucks. am very sad. =[ shall not blog le. *sobz* ------------------------------------------------

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Smoking vs. Gambling

on smoking. ------------------ as we all know, smoking is harmful for our health. it causes lung cancer, therefore smokers die an early and painful death. i have friends who smoke. but frankly, i do not understand why people want to smoke. cigarettes not only are smelly (contrary to the word 'xiang yen'), are harmful to us, they are also expensive. when i say expensive, it truly is expensive. a packet of marlboros will set ur wallet back by eleven freaking dollars. therefore i say people who can afford to smoke marlboro are never poor. assuming smokers who smoke the least, say, 2 packets a week; they will spend $22 a week, $88 a month, and a whopping $1056 a year. and this is only assuming that they smoke 2 packets a week and never increasing the amount. imagine what they can do with the $1056 increase in their bank accounts per annum. ------------------------------------------------ some of my non-smoking friends hate to go to al fresco dining places, as there are bound to be smokers there, blowing smoke in our faces while we eat. non-smokers who constantly inhale cigarette smoke from others, are called passive smokers. apparently we die earlier. sometimes i wonder if that piece of fact is actually true; or perhaps it's just something created by some people to let non-smokers like us hate smokers more. i don't mean to say i hate smokers, but there definitely are people who, after knowing that passive smokers die earlier, will dislike people who smoke, and also encourage them to quit. but of course, being able to quit is definitely a good thing. recently i have come across some news which i know once implemented, will cause some of my friends to be clapping with joy, and others, cussing and swearing. the government has apparently decided to implement a new law which does not allow smokers to smoke at food places, as well as clubs. it therefore means that we will not see anymore smokers smoking at coffee shops, cafes, or any al fresco dining places because they are not allowed to, according to the law. it also means that we will have a smoke-free pub/club in the future. whoopie-yay for non-smokers like me. we no longer have to get smoke blowing into our faces. we also can go clubbing, have fun, and go home smelling anything other than an ash tray. however, it's not a whoopie-yay for the smokers. au contrary. they are practically unacceptable anywhere other than their homes. truly, i feel that it's too harsh a law on them. it's quite fair to not be able to smoke in air-conditioned places, is that not? and smoking being prohibited in clubs??? is that really necessary?? ------------------------------------------------ on gambling. ------------------ there are also issues regarding the opening of a casino in our country. apparently singaporeans love to gamble, and a hefty sum of money is lost outside of singapore due to these gamblers. (can u imagine the horrors of horrors??? money is actually flowing out of singapore!!!) having a casino in singapore will then retain that hefty sum of money in singapore, as well as attract more tourists here. according to their statistics, about 65% of the singapore population are not extremists, and therefore will accept the majority's decision. addressing the public's concers, casinos do not also necessarily create more chaos in the area; crime rates do not necessarily rise in areas where there are casinos. it is said that if a casino is really built in singapore, there are rules that will be laid down to ensure that our bright and sunny island will not turn into a sleazy area. obviously, people who are under-aged are not allowed in the casino. people who go in to pay will also have to place an amount acting as a deposit. or was it entrance fee? i can't remember; but i remember it was not $2 nor $20. by building a casino, we can increase our country's GDP, without having to compromise on our safe and sunny island. having a casino has so many benefits.. why not hor?? ------------------------------------------------ gambling is not harmful to the body. it does not make people around you die earlier either. however, gambling, like smoking, is addictive. people get addicted to gambling just like how they can get addicted to smoking. gambling also causes families to fall apart. have we not seen the case too many a times? gambling requires much more money to support, as compared to supporting one's smoking habits. win some, lose some; you may say. however, gambling can never make one rich. (unless you're the owner of the gambling den or casino, of course.) nine out of ten gamblers lose money. therefore taking into account winnings as well as losings; let's say a person loses an average of $300 per two weeks. that will be $600 a month, and a whopping $7,200 a year. imagine what they can do with a $7,200 increase in their bank accounts a year. ------------------------------------------------ the government, in trying to prohibit smoking in so many areas, are in a way trying to tell us that since smoking is harmful to us and makes us die earlier; causing them to lose precious resources who can work and make more money for the country in those years; we should set harsh laws so that eventually singapore would also be smoke-free other than the bright and sunny island set in the sea. however, they encourage a casino to be built in our island. i feel that it makes no sense. isn't gambling a greater vice than smoking?? but by prohibiting smoking and allowing gambling to appear on the island; are they trying to tell us that gambling is better than smoking? i say; at least smoking does not cause people to go bankrupt and jump off buildings. it is too idealistic to think that a casino would be beneficial to us. to the country's vault, i would say. for the people? never. ------------------------------------------------ note: i am not against people smoking, nor am i affected by the fact that i might die earlier because of the smoke that i inhale. i am not anti-smokers! i just wanna make the point about gambling. what better way to compare gambling rite? :P

Saturday, March 19, 2005

It's Finally Over!

yeap! IIP Project Presentation is over! THE one and only presentation that mattered most in our road to obtaining a diploma is over, at least for me. [sidetrack: i would like to wish those presenting tomorrow.. i mean today, the best of luck! p.s. were you guys rushing your arses off in school?? :P ] however.( i can hear cries of "But..?" even before i type this!) however, i am not dripping with joy as i thought i would. Why? because although this is THE most important presentation of my entire stay in NgeeAnn that i'll ever have, this is also THE presentation of my entire stay in NgeeAnn that i've had the most regrets from. ------------------------------------------------ alas. there is no second chance for everyone nor anyone else. (okay. i admit. i'm desperately trying to convince myself that i was dreaming, or rather, having a nightmare, about what had happened the presentation; and that i'll wake up from my nightmare and prepare myself for THE presentation later in the morning. ) in case you were wondering, at this point, which was the deadly virus that my laptop has caught, causing it to lose precious, un-backed-up files and folders that needs to be uploaded; my website is Perfect with a capital P and a cherry on top. Absolutely gorgeous. Simply wonderfu.. oops. you guys are still here.. sorry. i could go on for days about how attractive and awesome my website is. that's because it is. or so i think anyway. "then you regret what?!?!?!" yes, i can hear your screams aaalll the way from here already, thank you very much. my presentation. THE presentation. (read: it's PRESENTATION, not website.) THE ever-so-smoothly-delivered presentation, coupled with our it's-damn-nice-lah-fantabulastic website, has been playing and re-playing flawlessly in my mind; which would have eventually secured our entire group with big, fat, As on our report cards. (ya, i know, i know. we don't have report cards at NgeeAnn. but it definitely sounds much better than 'flimsy piece of result slip', aight?) THE presentation that has since became a not-so-smooth-delivery presentation, hopefully presented together with our it's-still-damn-nice-and-divine website, will do the trick as well. allow me to tell you, right up to the miniscule details of why was the regret formed through the entire presentation. (alright, it's not every single detail, just what matters most. to me at least.) so bear with me for a while. you can skip to the next post if you like. just don't tell me that you skipped my post aight? i'll be sad. ------------------------------------------------ THE PRESENTATION: Chapter 1: Way to get the cotton-candy-sugar-bunny scenario. ok. for those who don't already know. we students like to dig for information and experiences that happened to our friends taking both same and different modules as us. we basically like to share our information with one another. currently being educated and moulded into the future leaders of the next generation society, we will pursue fame and fortune fiercely, marry and settle down early, have a dozen or so of kids before thirty-five to save future population in singapore, and basically just get brainwashed by the top people and support them blindly for the rest of our lives... ooh.. oops..! err.. actually i really meant that we will not forget the less fortunate in our society, and therefore we will build up of our corporate empire, and in that way, we can create more job opportunities for the unemployed. yup, that's what i meant. we love to care and share. really. =] ok, back to school please. (hey, we gotta finish school before getting the wealth and riches right? our piece of certificate means alot to our caring society who does not want to under-employ you guys, you know.. now why do i detect numerous actions of what seems to be the rolling of eyes?) so anyway, i gathered and collated the experiences that i had obtained straight from the horses' mouths even before last semester ended. (i'm not being kiasu lah, i just wanna do my research well and be prepared for what's gonna hit me like a train would in the face if i didn't actually know earlier.) devils disguised as teachers sneering at me, laughing at me, mocking my presentation, disrupting my well-rehearsed presentation causing the already-nervous me to be lost somewhere in outer-space, and gasp! embarrassing and humiliating me when i do not have the answers to their questions they shoot me with. this was what i had conjured up in my brains, and even before i started this semester, this will be it in my mind whenever someone mentions the word I-I-P. not exactly a very cotton-candy-sugar-bunny kind of scenario eh? far from it! ------------------------------------------------ THE PRESENTATION: Chapter 2: Way to Complete Project. in my impression, completing IIP was a tricky thing and a not-very-easy-to-accomplish task. i was right. not only did we have to struggle through the project, we also had to juggle between the project itself, the many assignments that always seem to look reproachfully at me for not completing them, but also tests and more tests. therefore although i badly wanted allow myself to immerse and soak in the joy and happiness of being able to complete the checkout through E-NETS, i did not. but i was really thrilled that we could link our payment gateway to E-NETS, as from what i know, only 2 groups last semester managed to link and achieve payment via E-NETS. can you believe it?! only 2 groups managed to do that!! 2 leh!!

Now what would you think of iip if you heard that previously, only 2 groups managed to complete all the requirements if the project?! i therefore suspect that due to the previous batch's (many) unsuccessful attempts, we were given much help by the lecturers. (suspect only lah. not confirmed true. haven't checked sources.) but even if the lecturers really did help us a pretty great deal, life was still not a bed of roses nor a box of ferrero rochers.

[NB: please do not mistake that i meant to say my group's project is very good since we managed to produce a complete checkout process. i'm just trying to highlight the fact that IIP sounds very terrifying and difficult.] ------------------------------------------------ THE PRESENTATION: Chapter 3: Earth Invader. on Thursday, 17th March 2005 at around 2:35pm, something incredible happened to me. I WAS POSSESSED BY AN INVISIBLE MARTIAN!! come to think of it, it wasn't that incredible after all. the martian possessed me without me realising. that creep. i had noticed earlier that i was a little retarded in my thinking process once presentation had started, but did not read much into it as i attributed it to my being nervous. only later did i realise that the abnormal behaviour was caused by the martian trying to share my thoughts. (your computer will also slow down if you're running dreamweaver and flash with countless of files in there, right? yes and so will my brain lah!) it only introduced itself a little while later, as a harmless and cute creature. i really thought it was harmless as it did nothing to except to slow me down a little. (but i figured that it would help cos i tend to speak faster during presentations than i would like.) the moment my turn finally came to blow the crowd away with my presentation skills was the moment it decided to show me how friendly and sincere he was in wanting to be my friend. in its (one-sided) goodwill, it replaced my 'zhong qi shi zu' voice with what i was told that it was the epitome of a soft and gently voice. apparently the voice was gathered from the essence a thousand fairies singing, dancing, giggling while sitting on the petals of the flowers and the leaves on the trees, enjoying the cool breeze, bout of refreshing air and the mellow dew; and would make my voice soft, gentle, sugary and nice. i was horrified to learnt that it replaced my voice. (hey! i was and still am happy with my voice!) when the shock passed, anger took its (horrified, not martian) place. i demanded it (martian this time, not horrified nor anger) to come out and meet me face-to-face to settle my evidently irreversible voice. my words were dripping with honey, i had to show him some facial expressions to let him know that i was furious. bad move. it was not as cute as it had said it was. faaaar from it. i was horrified, for the second time. to cut the story short, it was basically a disgusting slimeball of a creature and even you would think so if you actually see it. (it would then be a "1..2..3.. altogether now.. EEEWWWWWW...GROSSS!!!!" ) if you saw what i had seen, you would have said the same words which i had said. i told it to get lost and go back to where it belongs where everyone looks the same and noone was ever disgusting or ugly. it finally got angry and apparently decided to take revenge. i knew i should be nice in the first place. too late. first thing it did was to whip a cloth and a bottle which says: 'Brainwashing Liquid. Caution: BRAIN WILL DISAPPEAR AFTER LONG!' i recovered from my initial to realise only too late that it had started to scrub my brain furiously, causing me to lose most information with regards to the presentation itself. after the seemingly strenuous exercise which gave it an ache in its arms and a hole in my brain, it decided that the hole in my brain was satisfactory, and moved on to what seemed to him, two constantly-moving, ball-like things with numerous red lines running on it. the instant it reached out to grab the objects of its desires, was the exact same moment my eyeballs really did pop out and would have definitey rolled away, (for good this time round) if not for it pulling them back at the nick of time. it then proceeded to control my eyeballs, and restricted my eye movements to ignore the left side of me. [sidetrack: i think that it either liked or disliked those seated at my left too much to want me to not look at that area/person. i actually tried desperately to stuff this piece of information into the hole in my brain; but i still failed to block a tiny part of the hole, in which the data containing information to whether it actually liked or disliked those seated at my left, seeped out. (try as i might, i just could not save it from leaking out.)] while it was having fun, i was desperately trying to escape its control. it noticed and wrestled and wrenched, and finally emerged the winner and took control of my limbs. it made me wave my arms crazily around and forced me to point in directions that i did not wish to. its wrenching and wrestling caused me immense pain. at the crux when i decided that i could no longer take it and wanted to scream out loud, it suddenly and eventually left (for good), but not before i passed on to the next speaker to continue the presentation. relief came over me that i was no longer in pain and also regained full control over my limbs, and eyes, and got back my original brain and voice.

i had one thought in my mind when it soon dawned on me that i had screwed up my presentation, and everything practically went downhill from then on: someone please tell me that teachers will definitely look into our websites again and re-evaluate the marks accordingly. i was crushed.

i hate martians! *sniffles* ------------------------------------------------ THE CHAPTER: Chapter 4: Looking Back. we can't live in the past, nor go back to the past. therefore i've learned (and trying to put into practice) that it's pointless to harp on worthless issues such as the bad presentation. (oh how i hate martians!!)

what's worth mentioning, however, is the brief pre-presentation period while we were in The Room. it's quite funny actually.

when second we stepped into The Room, the tension started to flow in increasingly at a steady and fast rate. it would have killed us all if not for Mr. Steven Lim who finally broke the tension by saying that he could hardly recognise me.


teachers' reply (and i quote) was, "Because you are usually dressed so sloppily."

*almost fainted* "errr.. orh. teacher, thank you for your err.. compliment." (actually Miss. Nellie Chew was the one who prompted me in saying thank you. i merely follwed suit.)

but i really wanna thank teacher for breaking the tension, and also for the compliments about how nice our website looked. Thanks! =]

actually the teachers were being pretty friendly to us at that time, and it was far from the devils-disguised-as-teachers-thought i had all the time. it was almost like the cotton-candy-sugar-bunny kind of situation.

[ time to PR abit: to all the 11 teachers who were in The Room: thank you for just listening, and hope you guys enjoyed our website.]


THE PRESENTATION: Chapter 5: Reminiscence.

i will always remember the entire process of our IIP. yeap. from the start right up to the before the martian appeared anyway. (chant: i hate martians! i hate martians!)

if i may say, IIP brings people together. as the presentation date drew nearer, relations between own group members, as well as across other groups evolved for the better. or worse.

relations and bonds in my group, fortunately, did not turn worse. and i guess that the night before the presentation in the atrium will be etched in my mind forever.

[time to PR again, but this time to my group: Thanks guys! we did a wonderful job with the entire project! =] p.s. sorry i screwed up though. hmm. ok. =/ sshh.]

it was my first time in school till so late doing project. (or anything else, for that matters.) the guards came to chase us out; the lights in the atrium were all turned off; the guards came and went without us realising that they had placed overnight fines on the windscreens of our cars; the only thing that made us finally leave at almost 3am into the morning was fatigue.

one thing i realised though, was that although we had a colossal amount of loose ends that needed to be tied up that night, not much pressure and anxiety was there. i guess is was due to the steady stream of jokes, and oh. one very important notion we held on in our minds that helped us come this far:

"YAY! after this we're one step nearer to our oversea trips planned for after the semester ends! JIAYOU!"


authors' note: this post is also posted in lindsey's blog because she requested for it. much time and effort have been spent creating this post, therefore i hope you guys have enjoyed my post. =]

and author would like to thank Lindsey for her patience in teaching me certain fireworks and flash skills, and time taken off her extremely busy schedule to help and advise me on how to make my website prettier. Thanks babe!! *muacks muacks muacks!*

Friday, March 18, 2005

Where's my post???

due to a buddy's request, my most recent blog can be found here. enjoy. =] p.s. i actually had to blog the entire post twice due to bloggers' lousy website. was really pissed as i had spent a total of almost 5 hours on the first post. anyway, here's the (almost) complete replica of my initial post. =]

Monday, March 14, 2005

Formal, or too formal?

This was the question that i asked myself (and others) for the millionth time the day before my ERP presentation. Basically, formal wear for girls include: 1. covered shoes. 2. pants or skirt (if skirt, has to be below the knee.) 3. collared shirt. (not too un-buttoned so it shows your boobs, and not too short. obviously.) 3. jacket. ----------------------------------------------------------- Now in NgeeAnn, jackets are practically aliens in formal presentations. but why? we defintely look smarter. and my friend made a good point. if it were really a business meeting/presentation and you are competing with many others to sell your idea to the company. will the directors pay you any attention if you are not smartly dressed? yes, definitely some people will argue. "if i am good, and my content is good, doesn't matter what i wear what!" ooo-okay. (rolls eyes) however. first impression counts. you can never escape from this fact. imagine a shabbily dressed person coming into your posh office in the nicest part of town to sell you his idea. hell, he'd probably wouldn't be allowed into the building in the first place! (okay, i'm probably exaggerating, but ya, you get the picture.) ----------------------------------------------------------- so anyway, i went to zara to get a black collared top which looks formal for the presention. i didn't end up wearing that though. i wore a sort of funky (i would say) formal wear to present. and i was the only one who wore a jacket. too formal? for my class yes. for NgeeAnn, perhaps. Anyway, i almost conformed to the norms of our school, and almost wore a boring set of clothes to present. Almost. ----------------------------------------------------------- Now for guys: 1. shoes. (no basketball shoes please.) 2. pants. (not too low that it shows the butt, of course.) 3. collared shirt. (not too un-buttoned so it shows whatever chest hair you guys have.) 4. tie. 5. jacket. ----------------------------------------------------------- In NgeeAnn, guys do not wear jackets. they somehow think that their collared shirt would suffice. basically they just don't look very smart. anyway, they somehow make it worse when they un-button their shirts too much, and/or fold their sleeves up halfway; hence making them look like educated(?) bengs. and they don't wear ties. does this really mean that any collared shirt will equal to formal? ----------------------------------------------------------- so according to the 3 years' worth of presentation norms i've seen in NgeeAnn, i have come to a conclusion that we are just not dressing smartly enough! anyway. perhaps i'm just writing this post to justify my wearing of the over-formal suit. bleah. -----------------------------------------------------------

Friday, March 11, 2005


hmmm. this is to my baobz. haha.! i forgot about the pre-birthday dinner she treated me to at Kenny Rogers. sidetrack: i almost chose cheap hawker food instead. lucky me. hah! ----------------------------------------------------------- you're being appreciated lah, baobz. stop being disappointed. but. will be better if u quickly gimme my birthday present.. hehe! :P CECILIA RUAN! are you listening???? -----------------------------------------------------------

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!

i've hit the big TWO-0! Anyway, thanks everyone for the many many sms-es to wish me Happy Birthday!(dunno to be happy or sad also.. hah!) love you guys! *muacks* ----------------------------------------------------------- Birthday clash. ----------------------------------------------------------- on a side note however, the day of my birthday was also the day of my ERP presentation.. hmm.. thought it would go well cos' we rehearsed for many times.. but obviously, we were still too nervous and the demo was a little.. hmmm.. interrupted.. hopefully that would not affect the grade that teacher is going to give.. much. ok lah, i'm quite disappointed cos i was too nervous then cock up the demo a little lah.. so dui bu qi my group... =[ but ah well.. i guess for the first group of the level presenting the ERP.. shouldn't be that bad lah, i think. but the girls' interruption outside the ERP lab lifted my spirits lah.. hehe! =] ----------------------------------------------------------- Greatly Appreciated. ----------------------------------------------------------- List of my presents (so far): 1. Hug. [Thanks baobz! *muacks* but. where's my present??] 2.White-based with big, pink polka-dot and small, yellow polka-dot ice cream cake. [Thanks darling, for celebrating with me moments after i turned 20! love you! *muacks muacks*] 3. Ricola Green Tea lozenges. [Thanks teacher nellie! hao guo mei you lah.. hehe! *muacks* p.s. although i'd rather an AD.. hehe!] 4. Häagen-Dazs Mango+Strawberry ice cream cake. [Thank you huihui, beanie, lindsey, minmin, jiali and john! it was a very yummy, alomost-melted ice cream cake!] 5. Swarovski pink heart-shaped necklace. [the sparkling, lovely, pink coloured heart is hanging on my neck now, thanx guys! (as mentioned in section 5.)] 6. Poloroid camera. [hehe! haven use yet, but simply luurrvee it! thanxx guys!!! (again.)] 7. Roxy jacket. [yay! like it so much! will purposely go to some cold place so that i can use 24/7! =] THANK YOU! (and again)] therefore, i would like to thank the above-mentioned people for all their lovely presents!! *muacks muacks muacks!* ----------------------------------------------------------- the wait. ----------------------------------------------------------- yup, so far these are just what i got for my 20th birthday.. hehe still waiting for my sisters' presents.. hah! (baobz.. i know u read my blog.. are you listening?? :P ) -----------------------------------------------------------

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Psst..! Have you heard..?

latest heard from the grapevine: Lindsey's got a boyfriend! what?! really?!! ok. i'm exaggerating. she has many secret admirers. (guys lah) to one of the many guys reading this: are you one of her secret admirers? apparently she has got many of them. and i quote the missus: "i got alot ley!" p.s. Lindsey: "ni hen cool leh!! *pause for minute* zhen de hen cooolll...!!" ----------------------------------------------------------- a pot calling the kettle black. ----------------------------------------------------------- hmmm. this semester is a busy one for me due to the fact that i had a semestral integrated project to complete. Lindsey would understand, because she has gone throught the same semester as me previously. while she was slogging away for her project last semester, yours truly was helping her with her assignments, and i did not complain to her about her not having time for me. (sidetrack: ok, we sound a little like lovers when it comes to the part of not having time for one another, but hey, friends need quality time together for the friendship to blossom, aight?) but now. now she had conveniently forgotten, about the fact that i'm becoming busy, and she was quite free. (hence, the addiction to bridge which started out this semester.) and yet. yet she had the audacity to complain to me about me not having enough time for her. (yes, it's slightly confusing.. so did u manage to catch that part?) she never spend time with me last semester also mah... i ended up doing her IS assignments lor... HMPF.! evil. ----------------------------------------------------------- Lindsey. (what?! haven't you had enough of her?!!!) ----------------------------------------------------------- hmmmm. not quite, actually. (she'll be over the moon when she sees this. damn.) we decided on a girls' night out for every friday. apparently this method works well. no more trying to find time to fit them into the schedule. (not just me, it works both ways!) just setting aside fridays for the girls. (i.e. Cherlyn and Lindsey. ok, and recently, sometimes John. haha!) i can't say that we've been through thick and thin, but the friendship has definitely grown tremendously over the years. (don't you agree? =] *muacks*) All in all, i guess i'm just thankful that i have met this good buddy of mine. (how can i ever forget, right? *winks*) ----------------------------------------------------------- My beloved buddies of NP. ----------------------------------------------------------- of course, i definitely will not forget my other beloved buddies like Cherlyn, Xuemin, and Beanie.! *muacks muacks* you guys have made my almost 3 years in NP so far, a most enjoyable and memorable one admist the hectic schedule and sucky (oops.!) teachers. ok, this sounds like a goodbye thingy already. yuucckksss. hmmm. LOVE YOU GUYS!! *muacks muacks muacks muacks muacks!* ----------------------------------------------------------- p.p.s. Lindsey: "ni zhen de hao cooll wor!!!!"

Friday, March 04, 2005

f r i e n d s ?

recently was talking to a friend about some of the people around us whom we know. (right now, am saying 'people' and not 'friends', because obviously, do not know if am able to really call them friends.) feel strongly about this, therefore might sound increasingly angry while blogging all these down. pardon me if it's something you guys do not happen to like. actually, i take it back. do not really care what you people think. unless you're one of my close friends. and guys, you know who you are. =] *muacks* ----------------------------------------------------------- anyway, admist our animated conversation, i realised afew top traits i have come to detest from my friends, or rather, soon-to-be friends. here goes the list. *drumroll* pai ming bu fen xian hou! (i.e. it's not ranked. ya, cos all of those are just as detestful.) -------------------- 1. 'gei-gao' or calculative. it's not wrong to draw a clear line when it comes to money. but it's not right to be over-calculative about it. when eating at fancy places, some people act as if they did not receive any service from the staff. for example, food cost $15 so they pay $15. only. like, hello! did you go to the kitchen to get your own food? well maybe you should next time! -------------------- 2. fake. wow, when i say fake, it's really fake. f-a-k-e. you'd be surprised. being super nice and ultra smiley infront of you, but bitching about you to others behind your back. grrrrrrrrrr. -------------------- 3. taking your friend for granted. no one in the world is supposed to treat you well. (probably except your family members, but there are exceptions as well.) when your friend is good to you, it's because they are being nice. it depends on whether you deserve the treatment. because friends around you are not supposed to be ultra nice to you, or do things for you. they are NOT SUPPOSED TO. -------------------- 4. taking advantage of your friend. it's often easy to tell who are those people who cannot bring themselves to say 'no' to you. but. it does not mean that you can exploit their kindness. knowing very well that they will not turn down any of your requests, and yet you ask for favours all the time, it's exploitation. E-X-P-L-O-I-T-A-T-I-O-N.! -------------------- hmmm. think that's about it.. have actually kept this as a draft for a day now, but i find nothing more to add. was a little apprehensive in blogging about this as well.. but what the heck. i'll post it anyway. -------------------- these things, thankfully, has not happened often to me. but it has happened and is still happening to my friends around me. (maybe it's because people know that i bite and secretly devour human as a past time.) i feel very angry when i hear of such things. and i really cannot understand, no matter how hard i try, why do these people treat friends who are nice to them in this manner. but perhaps am not them therefore do not understand their mentality. glad am not them anyway. hah! -------------------- so reading till here, you must have been thinking already; i hope. so think: do you have such a friend around you? --------------------