we have come a long way, from being the woman behind our man, the submissive supporting actress in the relationship; to the all-new power woman, superwoman.
we no longer have to depend on a man for our survival, we can earn our keeps; and do just as well, if not better, than the men.
as our role evolve and change, we assume men's do as well.
but are they actually evolving?
is there really such a thing as the new man?
do men know that we no longer are the docile species they once knew?
do they really get it?
if they do, then why do some men still insist on chauvinism?
why do they still insist on being the superior gender, taking women for granted?
i once heard something very true said in the sex and the city series.
"there are hundreds upon hundreds of articles written about the new man.
but does this new man really exist?
perhaps he is the old man, renamed and re-packaged, by some clever PR woman."
so, do such men exist?
can someone tell me?