Friday, February 24, 2006

wishlist II


i have been told by many that my wishlist is depressing, and that no-one will get me anything cos it's too over. as in over-the-budget. so i have decided to update it and add more choices for you guys. =]

baobs told me to add something cheap like hershey's chocolate bar.. so am gonna do that!

now for the highly-anticipated UPDATED wishlist of mine! *drumrolls*

1. SAMSUNG D600C w/bluetooth printer

2. entire SK II LXP Skincare Range (there are 2 pages!! =/ look through all! )

3. Creme de La Mer (middle size. dunno how many ml)

4. Casio Exilim EX-600 w/1GB mmc (i think the orange one is nice.. silver too.. hmm.)

5. bling, bling and more bling from lee hwa, citigems or swarovski!! (this, this, this, or this looks pretty good.. me likey..!)

6. Muchas earring

7. i quite like the Anna Sui cosmetic range

8. dior stuff.. wallets, pouches, etc..

9. perfume (secret wish pls!) + 1 hershey's chocolate bar (see baobs!! i've added the chocolate bar!!)

number nine is perfume AND chocolate.. it comes together.. so there!! hehe!


  1. hows about an anna sui lip gloss? what's muchas earrings?

  2. baobs aka silly, you better go find out whats muchas earrings, because angela ruan told me she was hoping that you will get it for her.



    you're welcome!


  3. but i showed u the earrings already, baobs!!! the dangling one!! the bling one..!!!!
