Friday, August 07, 2009


yet another sleepless night.

tried to sleep around 2:30am, tossed and turned and finally slept around 3plus.. woke up at around 4plus and was restless the entire time. which kinda explains why i'm awake before 7am, when my class starts at 9am.


many weird dreams and scenarios floating around in my mind.. i wonder if this is my muse giving me creativity juices. hahahaha! doubt it.

i feel stretched to a certain limits when faced with school work. nothing seems to be going right, and i can't seem to churn out the required number of words for assignments. to some, this may seem normal.. but it says something huh, when i always exceed the maximum allocated word count.

i wonder if it's a mental block, hopefully temporary; or if it's more of a burn-out. unlike my many other fortunate fellow-schoolmates, i am not at liberty to do badly in my studies. *sigh* this is very much what we call in chinese, "tong(2) ren(2) bu(4) tong(2) ming(4)".

long weekend coming up very very soon... national day for singapore. to quote the chinese radio dj, "this is a very special year as it is Singapore's 44th birthday". hahahahahahah!

every year also special what!! next year it's going to be special as it is the nation's 45th birthday! lame ley.... when i hear someone say an occasion is very special, i'm anticipating the really special part. not such lame stuff.. such bs.

after the long weekend is assignment submission day. fark. i can't seem to type anything for the assignment.

and i prolly will end up sleeping in class later. omg.


(*rolls eyes*)

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